Mainland company
For established businesses with a long-term plan, a local (mainland) company is the best choice. These companies fall under the direct jurisdiction of the Department of Economic Development of the host emirate. Mainland companies is at liberty to bid for government contracts, seek local investors, and carry-on full-fledged commerce or other business anywhere in the UAE without restrictions. They also have access to exclusive lines of business, but the best part is that mainland companies have a corporate bank account opened for it faster and easier than for a freezone company located in a free trade zone.
The service includes
- Incorporation of a legal entity
- Visas for the founding members
- Opening a corporate bank account
- Support and assistance every step of the way

Stages of starting your business
Our Clients' FAQ
This is a wide ranging question, and the answer will be different case by case, being conditional on such key factors as the costs of hiring staff and renting an office, whether or not the company can do business in the mainland UAE, the cost of starting the company per se, and accessibility of the desired type of buisiness.
It is also important to keep in mind that a free trade zone is viewed as high risk territory by banks, which is why it is harder and takes longer to have an account opened for a freezone company.
You will only need scan copies of the founders’ international passports and their 3x4cm photos on a white background.
This is heavily dependent on your choice of jurisdiction. It takes an average of 1 to 3 weeks to open a legal entity.
Two to three weeks on average, but the process is generally speedier for the mainland, taking 1 to 1.5 weeks.
A month and a half to two months for a mainland company, and up to 4 months for a freezone company.
The founder’s presence is hardly ever required to open a company. You have to physically attend the visa process and you have to be there to sign the bank account paperwork. This takes 2 to 3 weeks. There will be a period of one to one and a half weeks during those 2 or 3 weeks when you cannot leave the UAE. After that you can be in and out to complete the remaining procedures.
To keep your visa valid, you only need to visit once every 180 days.
A residence visa is issued for two years.